NJCA (New Jersey Cemetery Association)
NYSAC (New York State Association of Cemeteries)
MCA (Metropolitan Cemetery Association)
NECA (New England Cemetery Association)
MCA (Massachusetts Cemetery Association)
RICA (Rhode Island Cemetery Association)
CCA (Connecticut Cemetery Association)
PCCFA (Pennsylvania Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association)
CCC (Catholic Cemetery Conference )
Maryland Free State Cemetery & Funeral Association
NPCA National Precast Concrete Association) *Certified Plant*
NCBVA (National Concrete Burial Vault Association) *Certified Plant*
DORIC VAULT Licensed Dealer
ACI (American Concrete Institution) Member
ICCFA (International Cemetery Cremation & Funeral Association)
CANA (Creamation Association of North America)
MBNA (Monument Builders of North America)
MIA (Marble Institute of America)
NRMCA (National Ready Mixed Concrete Association)

Creter Vault Corporation started five generations ago in 1918 with Philip Creter, a stonecutter and concrete mason, in Irvington, New Jersey. The company provided masonry enclosures (outer burial containers) to support collapsing graves within local cemeteries.
Creter Vault has continued to expand its offerings. Under the current leadership of Rich and Matt Creter, the company continues to enjoy a steady and orderly commitment to progress and is now one of the largest vault companies in the Northeast. We have worked with over 400 funeral homes and cemeteries, and have provided and serviced close to one million concrete burial products for our funeral home and cemetery customers.